Daily Grind - A Post....Finally
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A Whole month since my last post. This is supposed to be a daily thing. We have been sick over the last couple of weeks. I had pneumonia. All of us have had the Stomach Flu, Sandy's was really bad. It was so cute, Asher would sit there and hold and comfort her. He is such a loving little boy. Other than that, things have been pretty busy and not much interesting going on.
Vox Populi - Part One
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Vox Populi – a multi-part series of web essays exploring the malfeasance of liberal ideology
The Foundation – We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” – Preamble to the Constitution of the United States.
It is not “We the government”, it is “We the people!” Our country was founded on the idea that the people are to govern themselves by their freedoms and rights as individuals, ruled by the conscience of a God-fearing soul. The right to triumphs and tragedies is central to our existence as humans. Everyone has the right to an opinion and to speak their opinion and to pursue the desires of their hearts. However, we must never forget that we are a people, “one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.”
We rule by the voice of the people, Vox Populi. It is the collective voice that makes our laws. For as much as we are individuals, we must also co-exist with one another. This requires mutual respect and tolerance. We must realize that our voice may often be contrary to that of our fellow men even in regard to matters that we personally find important. This is not a reason to cause contention, but an opportunity to understand one another.
In any system, there are always outliers that hold opinions that are often damaging to society, but most people realize that the common good is a far better way. The problem become when the outliers vie for prominence as though their ideas are mainstream. Even more damaging is when they undertake such an endeavor by speaking the words of a free society.
You have heard many from both sides preach similar platitudes time and again. They are always for the people and for the good of the country. There is one major difference in regards to the different agendas, the freedom of the people. Liberal ideology often spout the sayings of a free people, but usually offers solutions that lead us further down the road to socialism and fascism. They usurp the rights of the people as a whole for the rights of the individual at the same time proclaiming it for the good of the people. Saying the individual has lost his rights when really his voice is simply contrary to the voice of the people.
They treat people as though they do not have the sense to govern themselves and must be watched over and guided. This is contrary to the very foundations of the great country in which we live. Government is there for the service of the people with a responsibility to follow the people’s voice. For “We the people” have a God given right to live according to our own consciences.
Go to Vox Populi - Part Two
The Foundation – We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” – Preamble to the Constitution of the United States.
It is not “We the government”, it is “We the people!” Our country was founded on the idea that the people are to govern themselves by their freedoms and rights as individuals, ruled by the conscience of a God-fearing soul. The right to triumphs and tragedies is central to our existence as humans. Everyone has the right to an opinion and to speak their opinion and to pursue the desires of their hearts. However, we must never forget that we are a people, “one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.”
We rule by the voice of the people, Vox Populi. It is the collective voice that makes our laws. For as much as we are individuals, we must also co-exist with one another. This requires mutual respect and tolerance. We must realize that our voice may often be contrary to that of our fellow men even in regard to matters that we personally find important. This is not a reason to cause contention, but an opportunity to understand one another.
In any system, there are always outliers that hold opinions that are often damaging to society, but most people realize that the common good is a far better way. The problem become when the outliers vie for prominence as though their ideas are mainstream. Even more damaging is when they undertake such an endeavor by speaking the words of a free society.
You have heard many from both sides preach similar platitudes time and again. They are always for the people and for the good of the country. There is one major difference in regards to the different agendas, the freedom of the people. Liberal ideology often spout the sayings of a free people, but usually offers solutions that lead us further down the road to socialism and fascism. They usurp the rights of the people as a whole for the rights of the individual at the same time proclaiming it for the good of the people. Saying the individual has lost his rights when really his voice is simply contrary to the voice of the people.
They treat people as though they do not have the sense to govern themselves and must be watched over and guided. This is contrary to the very foundations of the great country in which we live. Government is there for the service of the people with a responsibility to follow the people’s voice. For “We the people” have a God given right to live according to our own consciences.
Go to Vox Populi - Part Two
Props for Proposition 8
Friday, October 17, 2008
I have really kept my opinion to myself on Proposition 8 for a while, but I finally saw a news story that got me going. Members of the church protesting the churches involvement in fighting Prop 8. Seriously, do they not understand the doctrine of the church? First, I must say, that people who are gay or lesbian whether they are happy living that lifestyle or struggling within themselves to reconcile themselves to their church's doctrine are not those that I get frustrated with in this case. I will not judge them. It is very wrong to judge someone simply on their sexual orientation. People can be good decent human beings regardless of who's company they enjoy.
I am frustrated by those that try to tell a church, their current or former church, that it must change. The whole point of a church is that it is a grounding force in lives. A church that changes its stand point because of popular opinion is not a stable organization that can provide constant guidance to its members. Secondly, it is very clear what church doctrine teaches on the subject.
1. Mosiah 29:27 And if time comes that the voice of the people doth choose iniquity, then is the time that the judgments of God will come upon you; yea, then is the time he will visit you with great destruction even as he has hitherto visited this land. Marriage is ordained of God as one of the highest ordinance a man and woman can enter into. The scriptures are clear that marriage between man an woman is ordained of God and is a religious issue. As soon as the voice of the people debase this holy order by turning it into nothing more than a civil process and not an ordinance of God, they stand to reap the judgments of God. You cannot take something that is sacred and treat it like it is not.
2. Homosexuality is a condition of this mortal life only. God created our spirits, male and female, in his own image. Our gender is an essential charactaristic of our eternal existence. The challenges that face us are part of the testing process we know as our mortal probation. We all have challenges that seem to keep us from God, but that is our test, to choose God in spite of our weaknesses. And as he said, we are given weaknesses so that God may make us strong.
For members of the church to speak out against such fundamental doctrines is an unwise use of their agency. So I must add my voice to the crowd that stands up for what this church teaches as it is the only true way to eternal joy.
I am frustrated by those that try to tell a church, their current or former church, that it must change. The whole point of a church is that it is a grounding force in lives. A church that changes its stand point because of popular opinion is not a stable organization that can provide constant guidance to its members. Secondly, it is very clear what church doctrine teaches on the subject.
1. Mosiah 29:27 And if time comes that the voice of the people doth choose iniquity, then is the time that the judgments of God will come upon you; yea, then is the time he will visit you with great destruction even as he has hitherto visited this land. Marriage is ordained of God as one of the highest ordinance a man and woman can enter into. The scriptures are clear that marriage between man an woman is ordained of God and is a religious issue. As soon as the voice of the people debase this holy order by turning it into nothing more than a civil process and not an ordinance of God, they stand to reap the judgments of God. You cannot take something that is sacred and treat it like it is not.
2. Homosexuality is a condition of this mortal life only. God created our spirits, male and female, in his own image. Our gender is an essential charactaristic of our eternal existence. The challenges that face us are part of the testing process we know as our mortal probation. We all have challenges that seem to keep us from God, but that is our test, to choose God in spite of our weaknesses. And as he said, we are given weaknesses so that God may make us strong.
For members of the church to speak out against such fundamental doctrines is an unwise use of their agency. So I must add my voice to the crowd that stands up for what this church teaches as it is the only true way to eternal joy.
Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.
I keep coming back to this scripture over and over again. We do not spend enough time in life seeking God. He created the Heavens and the Earth, surely he can provide for his children.
We get caught up in the daily pursuits of life. We have work and bills and school and sports and this and that and everything. So many of those pursuits are worthwhile and help us grow, but how many are of an eternal nature? How many help us grow closer to God? We need to spend more time in the scriptures and on our knees. If we do, God will provide for our needs and open the pathways before us. If it were not so, He would have told us. (John 14:2) Let us be more faithful and trust that the Lord will provide for our needs as we seek to do his work first.
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