A conglomeration of
mindless ramblings

Notecards Anyone?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I've always wanted to have an excuse to put Sarah Palin on my blog. I finally found a story to rant about. If you look closely at the picture above, you'll see she has notes on her hand.

She's been taking a little bit of heat for this. I mean, note cards may have been the better way to go, but at least she doesn't have to be fed every word. I mean, who needs more than a few note cards every time they speak. Oh wait.........

And this was for Elementary School children. Now where's failblog when I need them.

The Book of Macaronai

So Bubs is starting to learn the major characters from the Book of Mormon through the use of action figures. Nephi sits on his bed, but he also has Samuel the Lamanite, Captain Moroni and Abinadi. Now I am not the one who bought these for him, and I really haven't been in favor of them, but I find that it is a great way to teach your 3 year old about the scriptures. So I repented.

Last night we were getting ready for bed and Asher was telling me about his two (2) Jesus pictures. He gets scared at night, so we gave him a Jesus picture and told him that Jesus would keep him safe. It has been working, except that he wanted another one.

He was telling me about Nephi and how he didn't have a "pokey" like Captain Moroni. (Yes, he can actually say the names) Captain Moroni carries a flag, the Title of Liberty. Then he says, "There's Jesus, Jesus (pointing to both pictures) and Macaronai (Mac-a-rown-eye - say it out loud). I couldn't stop laughing. Neither could he as he sat there proud of his little joke. So the next time you read, make sure you find the new prophet. He's there somewhere.

Great Marketing

Monday, February 8, 2010

So I was sucked in. A few days ago I commented on a rather "divisive" Super Bowl Ad. As I was sitting there watching the Super Bowl, I saw it and thought, "That was it!?!?" Wow, what great marketing. You create a stir about nothing. Then you go to the website and get the rest of this amazing story. What a role model.

I have to be happy that there are people out there like this that preach the gospel of Christ.

Random Monday Stuff

Monday, February 1, 2010

I think I may have figured out how to get everything formatted correctly for the blog when posting by email. At least well enough that I don't have to go back in and fix it later. So we'll see how this posts.

SLou and I had a very late night discussion about the Bible and the convoluted way its put together. I actually think those that compiled it did a pretty good job considering that the nation of Israel was conquered and their cities destroyed so many times. It is a wonder that any of the writings survived. I also have had a much better time sifting through all the information included in the bible. Not to say that some of what's there is not important, but some is not as relevant to us as the other. The genealogy in Genesis really is not that important to the story and what's being taught. The long repetitive laws concerning Mosaic Temple worship and how to sacrifice stuff is also not as important, though can be interesting if you're in the right mood. If you can manage to sift through that, then the story and history of the nation of Israel is really quite compelling.

I think we get a bit spoiled as Mormons with the Book of Mormon and Doctrine & Covenants. The BOM is really concise and well put together in comparison. It was compiled by Mormon and then translated. The D&C on the other hand really isn't a history, but instructions for setting up the restored church. It's actually more like the five books of Moses from the Old Testament. However, the Bible was put together much by committee with translated and re-translated texts, as well as texts that were passed down orally before they were written. In spite of all this, we have managed to have a book that still teaches truth.

The Old Testament should be particularly important to LDS people. We are peculiar in the fact that we are a Christian denomination that practices regular temple worship. The basis for temple worship is found in the Old Testament. While our actually practices differ greatly, the purpose of temple worship and ideas being taught are actually similar. That is probably the most significant thing I have learned this month as I listen to the Old Testament. I know, I'll get to reading it soon.

As an aside to the religious discussion, while today I can technically have a Coke as I am free from my self-imposed resolutions. I find it strange that I don't really want one. Rather I find myself enjoying grapefruit juice, water with lemon and apple slices with light spreadable Swiss cheese. This is definitely surreal.