A conglomeration of
mindless ramblings

Daily Grind - fun words from Bubs

Saturday, October 10, 2009

As Bubs has learned to talk, he has come up with some great words that he didn't mean to say. He loves to ride his tricycle, but had a hard time saying "trike" It always seemed to come out like a swear word that started with "f" and rhymed with "truck". Please don't make me spell it out. Sadly, he is a chatterbox. So he liked to talk about is trike again and again, over and over. We even had to warn the babysitter that he was not swearing, but rather hadn't figured out how to form the word correctly yet.

This weekends newest one is "heleflocter". Well it just started out as "flocter" but then changed. He used to call anything that flied, a plane. We were getting gas at the Costco by the hospital and Lifeflight came in for a landing. So, we went over and saw the helicopter. I had to drive by it several times because he didn't want to stop looking at it. He was convinced that the heliflocter was broken and someone needed to fick it. I think SLou finally convinced him that it wasn't broken, just turned off. The up side is that now he knows the difference between a heleflocter and a plane.


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