A conglomeration of
mindless ramblings

The Book of Macaronai

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

So Bubs is starting to learn the major characters from the Book of Mormon through the use of action figures. Nephi sits on his bed, but he also has Samuel the Lamanite, Captain Moroni and Abinadi. Now I am not the one who bought these for him, and I really haven't been in favor of them, but I find that it is a great way to teach your 3 year old about the scriptures. So I repented.

Last night we were getting ready for bed and Asher was telling me about his two (2) Jesus pictures. He gets scared at night, so we gave him a Jesus picture and told him that Jesus would keep him safe. It has been working, except that he wanted another one.

He was telling me about Nephi and how he didn't have a "pokey" like Captain Moroni. (Yes, he can actually say the names) Captain Moroni carries a flag, the Title of Liberty. Then he says, "There's Jesus, Jesus (pointing to both pictures) and Macaronai (Mac-a-rown-eye - say it out loud). I couldn't stop laughing. Neither could he as he sat there proud of his little joke. So the next time you read, make sure you find the new prophet. He's there somewhere.


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