A conglomeration of
mindless ramblings

Huked on foniks wurkt fer me!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

So as a break from the more heavy topics of the last few days, I thought I would share a little story about Bubs from last night. Either in a fit of holiday cheer or a last minute dash to get Christmas all put together, SLou and Bubs were wrapping the last of my holidays gifts. That is gifts for me and not from me, I think. She had just labelled one for me and handed Bubs the pen and he added "POPA". Now he has been practicing his letters and some of the sounds, but at 3.5 years we haven't really pushed him to learn to read quite yet. However, he spends time watching all of those educational kids shows such as Super Why?. It came as no surprise that he could write a few letters, he does that all of the time (though he has this fascination with writing right to left, not sure about that.). But when SLou yelled down the stairs to tell me the he had just written "pope-ah," Bubs quickly corrects her and says he wrote "papa." Say them out loud and it will make sense.

So either Bubs has finally made the mental step to equate letters with words or it was a fluke. If it was true then he had learned the word "POP" and decided that an "A" at the end would make "POPA." Which also means he is beginning to understand phonics. Though the possibility exists that it was just a random group of letters as he had been writing random combinations of letters a few days before and telling me they were words. Personally, I would like to think my son is brilliant, so I'm going to assume he actually meant it. I might try to get him to write it again, but there is usually not a repeat performance. Thankfully, we are getting him Hooked on Phonics for Christmas. He might actually learn something, or he could keep watching TV. And they say watching TV is a waste of time........


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