A conglomeration of
mindless ramblings


Sunday, March 1, 2015

So much is being said about doubt within the church. I'm not sure that doubt is at any higher level than it had been in the past. It is certainly more talked about. People feel more comfortable expressing struggles and doubt. Several people have had rather public struggles.

I marvel at why doubt is still considered negative.  Doubt and questions have been the impetus for so many great things. Martin Luther doubted in the church dogma and expressed his doubt publicly. It paved the way for the reformation, which in turn brought about conditions necessary for the restoration. Joseph Smith went to God with questions about his own standing before God and doubt or questions about which church to join.

My own testimony started because of doubt. When I was seven, there was a sharing time lesson where one of the ideas taught was that baptism would make you happy. I remember saying to myself that there was no way being dunked in the water would make you happy. I was still going to do it and wanted to be baptised, but the fact that it would make you happy. I was not convinced.  However, upon coming out of the water and waiting to be confirmed, I felt happy. It was a happiness from outside of myself. I knew that God was happy with my decision and I was happy.  I couldn't stop smiling. 

Doubt is the impetus for change. I truly believe that God allows doubt to enter into our lives so that we can grow. It makes us examine what we believe and why we do things. It also gives us the opportunity to grow in faith. Faith is a virtue that is specifically based on acting without knowing. We can hope or believe or want something, but until we see it we do not have knowledge. So our actions are based on faith. As we doubt, it gives us the chance to act in faith.

I am grateful for the sounds I have experienced. They have led to great learning and experience in my life. Don't dwell in doubt, use it to grow.


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