A conglomeration of
mindless ramblings

Daily Grind - You can lead a horse to water (or the bed in this case).......

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

So the ongoing saga of the bed. I wish I had my camera when I went in to check on bubs this morning. He slept in it again, but he refuses to sleep normally. He was all the way down at the bottom of the bed sleeping sideways and was shivering because he was cold. He won't sleep with the covers on. So I put a blanket over him and he seems to warm up a bit. I try not to move or touch him because I don't want him to wake up. He doesn't like daddy to go to work in the mornings, and I leave before him and Sandy get up.

We gave him chocolate milk for the first time last night. I diluted it with a little regular milk so the poor boy wouldn't go into sugar shock. He loved it. He savored it and didn't drink it too fast, but the cup never left his hands. I also introduced Sandy to The Pie. Well, she had had it once before, but never a really good one. She loved it and the garlic cheese bread. I dare you to eat more than one slice of that pizza. It fills you up.


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