A conglomeration of
mindless ramblings

Missives - Apple, Apple

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dear Son-

If I hear you yell "apple, apple" one more time. I think I spend my life savings buying you apple juice. We're at least good enough to water it down. Funny thing is, you'll drink water sometimes, if it's not in a sippy cup. I can get you to drink milk, but only out of your cereal bowl when it's filled with all the sugary goodness. But if you had a choice, you would drink only apple juice.

When you get up, the first words out of your mouth are "apple." When I get home the first word out of your mouth is "apple." When I put you in bed, the last thing you say is "apple." The dentist will have a fit at your next visit. At least your mother is good about brushing your teeth and letting you floss. She really is the better example.

She even got you to like helping with the laundry, vacuuming, cleaning, cooking......do you even play with toys? I watched you load and unload the washer last night with glee. Then you transfer the clothes from the washer to the dryer and start it. You even hauled some clothes upstairs for me to fold. If you were big enough, you'd vacuum all the carpet in the house. You already use the Dustbuster and shop vac in the kitchen. Your favorite word next to apple is "Vacky" for Vacuum.

I am amazed everyday at how you grow and learn. I'm grateful that you still let me hold you, even though you are growing up so fast.




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