A conglomeration of
mindless ramblings


Friday, May 29, 2009

To write. How I would love to write. To craft the words and let them fall from my mind with ever increasing speed and ease. Writing has always been a laborious process for me. The ideas swirl around with intensity and fervor. The passion fills my heart and I want to shout it from the roof top, or at least write it down so it will be preserved forever. But alas, my words are too cumbersome, they flow too slowly to catch the ever-changing swings of moods. The color, the light, the darkness, the pain, the streak of genius. In a fleeting moment it is gone never to be there again.

My words are a glimpse of what is truly there. They never seem adequate or full of enough emotion. They stumble and pause watching the ideas pass them by. But not my music. For with music, you don't simply describe the feeling, you play it, move it and feel it bend and grow. It jumps for joy and wallows in despair. You are in control. They feel what you feel, hear what you hear. You tap into their very souls without a word. There are things for which there are no words. Experiences that two must share to be understood. You look in their eye and see that you have touched something so deep.

A look, that look in their eye. Though often overused to the point of being trite, the eyes really are the window to the soul. They are windows that can never be shut. Even through a laugh you can see their pain or contentedness through their tears. Once in a while, you look and connect. For deep inside is something you have both shared. Maybe not together, but they understand you. In their eyes you feel at peace. A stranger no more, for they have been where you have been.

A soul can speak to a soul like no other. To stand by someone and feel what their soul has to say. You need no words, no music, no look. You stand by them or hold them and your heart knows. For that is the purest way to speak, but often the most misunderstood. The clutter of the tongue, the thickness of the words, the din of the music often drowns out the voice of the soul. But once in a while the soul finds its way out and someone hears.


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