A conglomeration of
mindless ramblings

For What?!?!?! - Politcal Rant

Friday, October 9, 2009

I love the Headline on Drudge Report this morning! "For What?", in reference to President Barack Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize. What exactly did he do to win it? They say it is "to encourage his initiatives to reduce nuclear arms, ease tensions with the Muslim world and stress diplomacy and cooperation rather than unilateralism." Funny enough, he hasn't actually "done" anything yet. He has talked about it a whole lot. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are not over and even he has declined to set a concrete table for withdrawal. He talked about reducing nuclear weapons, but has yet to reduce the US arsenal (not that I am for it) of nuclear weapons as an example. Rather he has tried to "strongly discourage" other nations from developing them, like Iran. (Who we all know is trying to develop a nuke so they can blow Israel of the face of the Earth because Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad thinks it is his religious duty.) He has talked about reforming energy use and helping the environment, but no effective legislation has been issued even with a strong Democrat majority in Congress. Like I said, he's getting it for talking really pretty, just as he did to be elected President.

Now that the euphoria of having the nations first black president have worn off, people are truly getting an idea of how liberal this guy is. I'm mean, its really cool and we all can consider ourselves socially progressive and feel a reprieve for the years of bigotry now, but this guy doesn't represent the bulk of mainstream America anymore than the ultra right wing conspiracy...OOPS!... conservatives. (Freudian Slip). His approval numbers have slipped to 50% because all he does is talk. Where is Hillary when we need her. (On a side note, I actually voted for her husband when I was a registered Republican which I am no longer.)

I have decided what he actually got the prize for. His actions have continued to weaken the dollar so the US can play more "fairly" (economically speaking) on the world market. You know we're in trouble when the dollar has weakened to the point that other country's now want to have a world currency to trade it. Obama eschews being called a Marxist, but if the shoe fits.

I mean, what is so wrong with Capitalism. You have the millionaire, Michael Moore, saying that capitalism has done nothing for him. Bull$#@&!!!! He played right into the the current social trends to create movies that people wanted to see. He is not a millionaire because he inherited it from his capitalist pig relatives, but because he made money in the capitalist system. Furthermore, the capitalist system has made our poor people some of the richest poor people in the world. Our country does truly have some devastatingly poor people, however, many of those who are below the poverty line have a whole lot more than their counterparts in other countries. Also, capitalism has fueled the growth in technology. Is it the only way? No, but is has worked for us and made us one of the wealthiest countries in the world.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think our system is perfect. I also respect Obama quite a bit. I mean only 44 men have ever been elected to the office of the President of the United States. It is a very impressive achievement. The Office also deserves respect. In a way, it is wonderful that a sitting head of state is awarded such an honor, but it still begs the question, what has he done to promote world peace?

1 comment:

  1. I quite agree. And you don't give awards to people to encourage them to do things, you give awards AFTER people have done things.
    I really think that the Nobel Peace Prize has lost cred over this, whether they know it or not.
