A conglomeration of
mindless ramblings

I'm in trouble now.

Friday, January 29, 2010

You'll have to forgive the formatting issues I've been having lately. I've been posting by email, and it hasn't really been working very well. All my email accounts impose their own formatting. Only Hotmail will follow the blog formatting, but it adds the stupid add banners to the bottom of each post. So I can't win, but I keep posting by email because it's easier and I keep hoping that I will eventually figure out how to make it work. We'll see what happens.

So as I said in the title, I'm in trouble now. SLou has been telling me about my pizza cooking 3 year old, but I hadn't seen it in action. He told me last night that he was really hungry and wanted pizza. (Which is his new obsession, and not even the good kind. He like the Totino's Party Pizzas.) I told him to wait and I would make one for him as soon as I was done teaching one student. (30 min.) Well, evidently it was an excruciatingly long time for a almost 3 year old to wait. About 15 minutes later, I heard the oven door close.

Bolting up the stairs, I ran into the kitchen to find a frozen pizza placed directly on the rack in the center of the oven just like it was supposed to be. Thankfully, he hadn't climbed up to turn the oven on yet. He at least knows not to climb on the oven door. However, he was supposed to be watching "Over the Hedge". Instead he grabs a chair, pulls a frozen pizza out of the freezer. Removes it from its box and plastic wrap and places it in the oven. I was nice and started the oven for him and told him to stay out of the kitchen while I finished up with my student.

When did my little boy become so independent? Not just independent, but he doesn't worry about whether he is capable of doing things. He just goes for it and most of the time accomplishes what he sets out to do as well as any child could. Yet, he still asks for help when he needs it. While this scares the &#$@! out of me sometimes, I don't want to squash this independent spirit out of him because he will need it. It took me almost 3 decades to find mine again and I want him to never lose it.


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