A conglomeration of
mindless ramblings

Tim Tebow - Right to Life

Thursday, January 28, 2010

In the spirit of the Super Bowl, were going to talk about this person, Tim Tebow:

He and his mother will be the stars of a very controversial TV add during the Super Bowl. Now I know that I am a little late getting on the bandwagon here, as this will come as no surprise to most people out there. It's been in the works for months. However, it was just approved by CBS to run so it hit the news again. He will star in an add advocating anti-abortion and pro-life stances. Though the actual add has not been revealed, it is thought that his mother will share the story of his birth and her decision not to abort. It has been described as not being overtly political and simply a heart-warming story of over-coming the odd. However, anything that attacks the pro-choice agenda tends to be the 600 lbs. gorilla in the room even if it only touches on the subject. I have read quite a bit of the criticism, that a budding public figure shouldn't take such controversial stances on thing. However, this stand is becoming more and more accepted.

Personally, I wish him good luck. It is good to see someone standing for something in this world. There is so much pressure to live and let live. Declaring that you have standards and a belief that standards are good and necessary only infuriates those that don't. I personally think the hatred generated is more from guilt that many feel about their stand to not have such high standards. They feel threatened that they will not have the "freedom" to make bad choices. I'm not sure this is their conscious thought, but rather that voice inside of them telling them they are transgressing the laws of God. People are spiritually the offspring of God, it makes sense that part of them would want to speak out about bad choices. However, I think it is more sad that they choose not to listen to that voice.

Just for good measure, here is one more picture. Tim has become known for his eye black scripture verses. This one is particularly appropriate not just to this post but to the theme of my blog posts lately.
For those that can't read it or don't want to go look it up - Ephesians 2: 8-10 -For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.


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