A conglomeration of
mindless ramblings

In All Things

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I was reading a post over at By Common Consent titled A Confession. I was both moved and disturbed by this post. Moved because it expressed a genuine question and interest in why some experiences that are intensly spiritual for some and not for others. Specifically it was about temple worship that we are told by many that we should be deeply moved by. I was disturbed because of what it meant. In the church there is often peer pressure to act and feel a certain way. If you don't see the temple, testimony meeting, relief society centerpieces or any other number of things the same way the mormon cultural norm does, you are somehow not as holy. So we all conjour the tears or say the right things, but inside we know its all for show.

I have to applaud the post at BCC, because someone finally spoke out and said essentially, "I don't necessarily find this importan thing all that spiritual." Quite frankly there is nothing wrong with this. Alma said, all things denote there is a God. In reality, we are all different. God has so many ways of speaking to each of us. We should not ignore something that helps us spiritually just because it doesn't fit the cultural norm.

I personally have found great spiritual lessons in things that have nothing to do with the church itself. In the end, it is all about our relationship directly with God. It matters not where we find Him, simply that we find him. So the next time the Relief Society center piece doesn't move you to tears, either because of its great spirituality or absurdity, don't worry there are plenty of other things that can bring you closer to God.


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