A conglomeration of
mindless ramblings


Monday, January 4, 2010

Yesterday I started reading the Old Testament. Something I have never done before. Sure, I've read parts of it, but never cover to cover. It's rather long, archaic and did I mention long, yes and long. I also have it on my iPod, but have never ventured into listening to it. So today, I started listening to it as well.

I finally had an epiphany about the old testament. So much of it is symbolic. Especially the books of Moses. We get stuck in the literal too easily. While it is tempting to discuss the meaning of some of the minutia like "What does it mean that Peleg existed in the day the Earth was divided?" or "There were giants in the Earth" (I could go on, but will resist.) All of these little point that we seem to debate as though they are an actual history, really don't have much to do with the lessons being taught. They may very well be actual history, however, the point of the bible is to teach people to come unto Christ and not necessarily to record the history of the Earth. While the events of Genesis may or may not be how history actually happened, they are allegories meant to teach us. Once I started to listen/read from this perspective, I found it much less confusing. I also find myself asking "What?!?!?!?!" (see the post on interrobangs) a whole lot less often.

Part of my desire is to blog about my experience of reading the old testament. Though, as we know from past experience, I am not that great at consistently blogging. But, I will try to put into words something I learned each day. I think it will help keep me focused. If anyone is reading out there, you should try it with me. It could be fun.


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